| N.I.A.C. Guestbook Archive
Thank you for visiting the Web Site of the Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut.
Please feel free to sign our guest book if you enjoyed N.I.A.C.'s pages, if
you have suggestions or announcements, or if you just want to say hi.
If you can take the time, please add your entry to
N.I.A.C's Guestbook.
SILETZ, OR USA - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 12:02:20 (EST)
I've enjoyed your homepage. I spent a brief time in the area ten years ago...it is indeed rich in history.
Say hello to Laurie Flegert for me.
Doug Graham
Townsville, Ql Australia - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 19:57:05 (EST)
Great Site!
Abe Fontaine
USA - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 09:16:45 (EST)
Very interesting, my knowledge of history has been enhanced.
Ed Vallee (valleeix@usa.net)
Wheat Ridge, Co USA - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 20:46:20 (EST)
keep up the good work!!!
N Gene Roggow (Biggun2@usa.net)
shaw heights, co USA - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 17:58:18 (EST)
I am researching my genealogy and have reason to believe that I may be a proud Nipmuc. I have discovered in the course of my research a Report issued to the Governor and his Council of Massachusetts dated March 8, 1861. This report is a census of various tribes of Indians in Massachusetts. This report includes the ages and names as well as the tribe. I would be willing to share with everyone just for postage and copying cost. I do not have a computer contected to the internet. I have use of my girl friends from time to time. I will be contacting the NIAC and providing them with this information. A great website. Many our INDIAN SPIRITS GUIDE ALL OF US.
Cordula (none/home address 16 Edgewood Drive)
Enfield, CT USA - Saturday, November 22, 1997 at 10:19:52 (EST)
I too am a NIPMUC and reaching out to NIPMUCS where ever you are to let people know that we still exist. It is up to us to pass along our great wisdom and quests to the next seven generations to come. Whether we are federally recognized or not, they can't take the rich NIPMUC blood that runs in our veins or our deep rooted heritage that unite NIPMUCS where ever you live, from NATICK to NEW HAVEN. WE ARE HERE, WE ARE STRONG, and FUNCTIONING AS ONE PEOPLE.
Steven E. Goler (sgoler@ix.netcom.com)
Lynn, MA USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 21:51:01 (EST)
To Susan Stephens (SUE4711) Unfortunately the answer to your question about Zara Cisco Brough is that she left us a few years ago, and is now with her Mother Sarah Cisco. Zara was my cousin and she is missed by everyone who ever had the pleasure to meet her. She was a wonderful person, I tried to email you but there was no email address to write to you. If I can be of any help please contact me. Sandie
Sandra J.(Clapp) DiOrio (Cardinal8@webtv.net)
E.Douglas , MA USA - Thursday, November 13, 1997 at 19:00:44 (EST)
Hi! I am a Nipmuc Indian and was just told about your sight from a man named Christopher he is helping the Nipmuc families that are connected with the Hassinamisco Reservation to be federally recognised.
I am very proud to be Native American and will return to this site every day so that I can learn as much about our people as I can. Peace to all
Sandra J.(Clapp) DiOrio (Cardinal8@webtv.net)
E.Douglas, MA USA - Thursday, November 13, 1997 at 17:45:25 (EST)
A Web site has been set up to help Visitors/Tourists of Pow Wows to be Informed of the Large amount of Fake jewelry being sold at Pow Wows
Public Notice (amerthai@loxinfo.co.th)
USA - Saturday, November 08, 1997 at 15:11:47 (EST)
Just wanted to say hello to one of ya'lls members, Patricia Garwood, HEY NANNA PAT AND PAPPA JIM< we miss you and love you.Thanks for allowing me this opportunity.Glor Pat
gloria stratton
jacksonville, fl USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 12:57:58 (EDT)
FORESTHILL, CA USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 00:35:06 (EDT)
Just sent another short paper to Tara on the location of Wabbaquaset and Quinebaug groups. A new book has been placed into circulation on Native American geneological searches taking place at the present time, and some of there findings. When it goes public, it will sell for approx. $19.00, There is a pre-publication sale price of about $14.00. Contact Marcella Pasay at the Killingly Historical Society, in Danielson, CT for more information. The holidays will soon be upon us. I hope that we all have enjoyable ones and that we share the old stories with those around us. As Fire Hawk has told us, gifting is one of the two greatest rules that we must live by. These are the giving times, and we all must share.
Jerry Houle (gnwho@aol.com)
New Britain, CT USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 09:57:54 (EDT)
Hi Dwane Im New to this should grt better as time goes on.
Harry J. Baker Sr. A.K.A. Chief Silver Fox
Norwich, , Ct USA - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 21:41:30 (EDT)
Anyone looking for location of Nipmuck homesites in the Northeast CT area should browse throught the pre-civil war issues of the Windham, Putnam and Killingly newspapers. Also there are some interesting articles in the Boston Newsletter of the 17th century. Tara Prindle, and by now, Joan Luster have copies of some of the research that I have uncovered.
Members of NIAC who are familiar with my situation will be happy to know that the amputation went smoothly, and the other leg has been fitted for a smaller brace, which will last for at least six months. They have also placed me on an experimental drug treatment program which should increase my activity level and lengthen my life expectancy. Gets better all the time.
Jerry Houle (gnwho@aol.com)
New Britain, CT USA - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 20:48:42 (EDT)
This is my first visit....It is a good site to learn from....great thing the question/answer page, educational and informative...thank you!
Dick Ockers (dick@design.nl)
Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS - Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 08:48:26 (EDT)
hey there, just going to go check areound on this web page, but it looks good.
maureen touchie (moe@lbmf.bc.ca)
Ucluelet, bc canada - Monday, September 08, 1997 at 15:02:29 (EDT)
hello every one I did appreciate my visit in your site well done brothers and sisters. Thanks again and see ya from the innu nation
Bernard Hervieux (diane@avantage.com)
Neufchatel, Qc canada - Sunday, August 24, 1997 at 18:28:03 (EDT)
Michel VÈniel (mveniel@infonie.fr)
ETAPLES, FRANCE - Friday, August 22, 1997 at 13:01:46 (EDT)
Hi! This is wour first visit to the NIAC Website. Tara, it's great. What a wonderful organization. The programs are educational, informative, and down righ fun!!! Getting to know the PEOPLE is the best part.
Alice and Duane (NipmucNIAC@juno.com)
USA - Thursday, August 21, 1997 at 14:09:09 (EDT)
Excellent web page.
Gene Buvelot (coastmiwok@earthlink.net)
Novato, CA USA - Sunday, August 17, 1997 at 13:34:33 (EDT)
O'Siyo Sisters,
This site is excellent. You bring smiles to the faces of the Spirits and Native American Indians. I have taken the liberty of adding your site to my Native American Links page, with your permission of course.
The only paths worth traveling are the ones with
heart and that the only challenge was to walk them their
full length. Spirits shine down on you always.
This Native
American Indian Homepage belongs to Thomas W.Peterson
Thomas W. Peterson (peterst@voicenet.com)
Philadelphia, Pe USA - Sunday, August 10, 1997 at 14:35:25 (EDT)
Excellent site!!!! I publish a newsletter for the Natick Nipmuc Indian Council. This is the first of many visits. I am new to the Web and am amazed that you can find everything here. Keep up the good work.
Stephen Yancey (Yancecat@aol.com)
Mont Vernon, NH USA - Thursday, August 07, 1997 at 09:39:45 (EDT)
your site's link has been checked and your site have been added to:
"al intra's NA Indian Websites+"
when you have time check out my site & see if a link or mention of my site is possible?
~the Nite Owl~ (dorijoewest@worldnet.att.net)
Ft. Myers, FL USA - Monday, July 28, 1997 at 08:22:59 (EDT)
I am a newly identified member of the Nipmuc community. I would like further information about the tribe.
Hope White (psmith@gridnet.com)
atlanta , ga USA - Sunday, June 29, 1997 at 11:16:04 (EDT)
Good to see more sites for Nations of this region. Will check in from time to time. Umass at Amherst now has a Native American Indian Studies Certificate Program. It will begin this coming fall semester. One of the required classes for the certificate program is Contemporary Issues In Native America: A focus on the Northeast. We the current status of issues (i.e. reconition, gaming, language preservation, imposed state taxes, restoration of matrilineal traditions and rights, native law, NAGPRA, gender roles, etc.)
More info about the program will be avialbale at our Annual Powwow Sept. 20-21,1997. Location Campus Pond. Powwow flyers will be avialbale soon.
Joyce W. Vincent (dvincent@acad.umass.edu)
Amherst, MA USA - Saturday, June 28, 1997 at 22:33:47 (EDT)
I don't know my e-mail yet. But I really want ot talk to someone.
Gdynia, Poland - Friday, June 20, 1997 at 09:52:30 (EDT)
Branch of Acknowledgment and Research, Bureau of Indian Affairs, arriving here in pursuit of information relevant to the technical report under preparation on petitioners #69A and #69B.
Virginia Easley DeMarce (veasleyd@aol.com)
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, June 19, 1997 at 20:43:54 (EDT)
Very Interesting Presentation Format-a commendable effort and hope to visit it again soon. Thank you for making it available to those of us who live near where the forest and prairie meet.
Daniel E. Van Petten
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Tuesday, May 27, 1997 at 13:35:21 (EDT)
Nice site! I've lived in New England all my life (born on Ockoocangansett Hill in Marlboro, MA!), and I've always been interested in the ways of the local native peoples.
Tom Randolph (randolph@asic.enet.dec.com)
Barre, MA USA - Thursday, May 22, 1997 at 10:50:53 (EDT)
Hello Paulette,
Thank you for signing the NIAC internet guestbook and thank you for the compliments about my work on the website! If you have any questions or comments, or would like to chat, please feel free to e-mail me directly.
nice hearing from you,
take care
Tara Prindle (prindle@uconnvm.uconn.edu)
Storrs, CT USA - Saturday, May 03, 1997 at 10:11:10 (EDT)
Tara, Doing a great job. First time visiting your site. Would like to chat with you more. I am tribal administrator of Schaghticoke Tribe from Ct. Please get back to me.
Paulette Crone-Morange (rmora55170)
monroe, ct USA - Friday, May 02, 1997 at 18:45:48 (EDT)
Just checking you out for the first time. I'll be visiting your site often. Thanks for being there!
Lorraine Crawford Mapp (Rain) (lmapp@allmerica.com)
Worcester, MA USA - Friday, May 02, 1997 at 15:33:20 (EDT)
The Killingly Historical Society has published an essay on the history of the Quinebaug clan of the Nipmuck Tribal Nation. Many THANKS for the input of NIAC. Contact the Killingly Historical Society, Main St. Danielson, CT 06239
Jerry (gnwho@aol.com)
New Britain, CT USA - Thursday, May 01, 1997 at 20:15:01 (EDT)
Hi I'm a member of the Nipmuc tribe of Webster. I think all tribes should have a site with all this information for it's people. Keep up the Good Work.
Gloria Hopewell(Little Shadow)
Worcester, Ma USA - Monday, April 28, 1997 at 13:43:54 (EDT)
hi i'm a nipmuc from the worc, mass. tribe & i think what
your doing is great keep up the work.
nathan luther rabidoux (hazzard) (SBenoit836@aol.com)
gap, pa USA - Saturday, April 26, 1997 at 19:58:07 (EDT)
Greetings! I am an officer of the Association of Native Americans at Yale College (ANAAY). I would like to cordially invite everyone who reads this message to attend our Fifth Annual Spirit of Unity Gathering on April 5, in the First & Summerfield United Methodist Church (corner of College and Elm, New Haven, CT) at 8PM. We have invited Chippewa poet Mark Turcotte and the Red Heart Drum to perform. We happily invite anyone interested to attend. If you have any questions or would like to contact ANAAY, please feel free to respond to my e-mail address. We look forward to seeing or hearing from you!
Kathleen Burns (kathleen.burns@yale.edu)
New Haven, CT USA - Wednesday, April 02, 1997 at 22:58:55 (EST)
Hi, I am from Boston, which is not far, and now do work with the indigenous people of Nicaragua, but wierdly enough I in some ways went there because I have always wondered about the natives of the eastern woodlands, where I am from. I was wondering if there was any sort of formal or informal way of visiting the Nipmuc.
Caleb Jacobson-Sive (sive@pantheon.yale.edu)
New Haven, CT USA - Monday, March 31, 1997 at 22:13:11 (EST)
Greetings and salutations from the Serpent River First Nation deep in the wilds of Ojibway Country in northern Ontario, Canada.
Greetings to all my relations among the Nipmucs.
Gilbert Oskaboose (giboskab@inorth.on.ca)
Cutler, On Canada - Monday, March 31, 1997 at 17:09:51 (EST)
Fantastic web sight ! It's a great resource in both educating, and contacting other native people. If anyone has any information regarding the Eastern Abanaki living between the Saco River and Portland, Maine, please contact me at (860)408-2417 and leave a message if I'm not there. My Grandmother was a native from this area and I'm having a hard time locating information about her people.
Thom Till
Manchester, CT USA - Tuesday, March 25, 1997 at 08:06:09 (EST)
Greetings! I am a teacher of a fourth grade class in Groton Massachusetts. We have just spent the last three weeks studying the cultures of the native people and the English Puritans who lived around Groton in the 1600's. Our last week was spent studying King Philip's war in which Groton was destroyed. After studying the war and both cultures, my fourth graders came up, on their own, with these 1670's suggestions for a peaceful solution to that horrible war:
1) Divide Massachusetts between the English and the Native Peoples. Pay any tribe who loses land as a result of the division.
2) No culture may buy land from another culture.
3) Make the English build better livestock fences.
4) Make capital punnishment illegal. If someone from one culture murders someone from another, they can be imprisioned, but not executed.
5) No culture can go on another culture's side without permission.
6) Have many festivals were rituals from both cultures are shared.
7) Have guards from both cultures work together at the boarder between both sides to keep peace.
Do you think these solutions would have made the native people of Massachusetts happy in 1675?
We learned that when the English of Groton helped attack the Narragansett people in December 1675, they destroyed the village and killed women and children. Later in March of 1676, when Nipmuc warrior Apequinsah (John Monaco) attacked and destroyed Groton, he spared all the English women and children. Many people in this town (though not in my class) are related to the early English Puritans.
Are there Nipmuc people who would like to talk about this terrible war and how it still affects both
My class is willing to listen.
Dan Meharg - teacher, Prescott Elementary School
Dan meharg (Prescott@net1plus.com)
Groton , MA USA - Wednesday, March 19, 1997 at 17:36:23 (EST)
Hi Tara, Pow-wow season is coming up fast and I'm looking forward to April 5th at UCONN. I'm looking forward to "dancing in the circle" again!
Take care and I'll see you there.
Thom Till
Manchester, CT USA - Wednesday, March 05, 1997 at 08:33:37 (EST)
I see you have a few pages on the net Sara. I just came from one on AOL where you calmed down some angry people discussing the rights of whites. You have done a good job and I hope you continue. I appreciate the ability to connect with my nipmuck roots on line. My Family has been tracing our heritage in the very recent past and have found a wealth of information regarding who we are/came from. I am not as versed in these matters as others in my family but will be one day. May all find their true roots and rest in their heritage as a people and as a person. R.H.
Richard A. Hazard II
Aurora, Co USA - Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 21:50:15 (EST)
I see you have a few pages on the net Sara. i just came from one on AOL where you calmed down some agree people disscusing the rights of white. You have done a good job and I hope you continue. i appreciate the ability to connect with my nipmuck roots on line. My Family has been retracing our heritage in the very recent past and have found a wealth of information regarding who we came from. i am not as versed in these matters as others in my family are but will be one day. May all find there true roots and rest in their heritage as a people and as a person. R.H.
Richard A. Hazard II
Aurora, Co USA - Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 21:47:38 (EST)
I'm doing some research on the ecological value of buffer zones to competing groups. For example, a buffer zone existed between the Chippewa and Sioux tribes in Wisconsin/Minnesota when they were at war from the 1780s to the 1850s. This buffer zone produced a deer refuge which provided a prey reservoir of deer for the tribes. When the tribes made peace, they occupied the buffer zone, depleted the deer, and famine resulted.
As I understand it, the name Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg in Webster, Massachusetts means "You fish on your side, I fish on my side, nobody fish in the middle", in the language of the Nipmucs. Could it be that the circumstances at Lake Char... also produced a refuge and resevoir of fish? I would appreciate any information and/or thoughts that you are willing to share on this matter. Thank you.
Ralph Klingbeil (ralph@wsii.com)
Jamestown, RI USA - Saturday, February 01, 1997 at 09:32:18 (EST)
Member of the Otoe Missouria Tribe.
Cash Johnson (otoe@ix.netcom.com)
Long Beach, CA USA - Friday, January 17, 1997 at 03:05:22 (EST)
Trying to find out of Full Circle Drum Society has released a new tape. I have enjoyed the previous one. Also enjoyed the cultural center at Washington, CT, O'Nay (Be Well), Wak'Tame (Lenape)
Phillip Gray Wolf (Waktame@postoffice.ptd.net)
USA - Tuesday, January 14, 1997 at 10:57:47 (EST)
A out standing site, I'll return soon. I need any information on the Dudley Indian Tribe, you can contact me at the e-mail address above.
Keep up the good work.
Robert E. Dudley (redudley@ionet.net)
Midwest City, Ok USA - Thursday, January 02, 1997 at 12:20:55 (EST)
I serve as principal of Nipmuc Regional Middle/High School in Mendon, Mass. My address is 148 North Ave., Mendon, MA 01756. Tel: 508-473-0994 Fax: 508-634-1578
We are currently building a new school, scheduled to open in September 97. We are looking to update our school's logo as well. Do you have any ideas that could/should be incorporated into the logo?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Paul D. Daigle
Mendon, MA USA - Sunday, December 29, 1996 at 18:58:52 (EST)
Girl's, (using the term loosely, and including all height impaired persons), Thank you for a great year of work in promoting our Native Heritage. Little is recognized of ALL the work Joan, Tara, Shelly, and Sandi do in the course of a year. They truly give of their heart and soul. May Great Spirit hear their prayers and fufil their needs as required along their journey. May Granmother Earth recognize the work that has been accomplish through them on her behalf. May
she find it in Her heart to provide them with the sustanance they need to contiue their great work. May our chosen clan mother, Joan be given guidance from all the spirit beings that is required for her to fufil her tasks.
Gerard N. Houle (gnwho@aol.com)
New Britain, CT USA - Saturday, December 28, 1996 at 09:40:21 (EST)
Although my indian heritage is oral Mohawk/Cherokee. I do
Have a relative who was a Dudley Indian and though I'm not
blood related to her I do feel a spritual connection with
the Nipmuc tribe. I find your web site beautifully presented
and very informative.You have much to be proud of.
I am currently searching for other relatives that might be
of Nipmuc heritage.Whether I find them or not I will always
feel a bond with my Nipmuc relations. AQUENE!
Raymond H. Brooks ( Lone Wolf ) (RO33@AOL.COM)
Boston, Ma USA - Thursday, December 26, 1996 at 20:09:07 (EST)
Saw your web site and decided to stop by and take a look.
Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, Dave (Grafton Tribe)
David Allaire (Gold22k@aol.com)
Esmond, RI USA - Monday, December 23, 1996 at 20:36:11 (EST)
A great place to visit and I will return when ever time permits!
Gary J. White (GW Bowhunt @aol)
Winsted, CT USA - Friday, December 20, 1996 at 14:57:31 (EST)
Fantastic site. I have been interested in learning how to use matural materials that the natives did, but the techniques have been self taught, so far. I have made reproductions of pottery and clay beads using a method similar to the one you present here. The patterns you present for moccasins and the instructions for their construction are accurate and easy to follow. This site has something of interest to anyone interested in nearly any aspect of native technology EXCEPT: architecture! How can one construct a lodge, wikiup or a tipi? Will a section dealing withe this subject be included? In any case, thank you for this site.
Bob Brenner (bob.brenner@metrokc.gov)
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, December 17, 1996 at 16:49:59 (EST)
I must say this is an impressive website! It must be the best site on Native technology on the web. I participate in 18th century living history and reenactments as a Moravian (German) trader. This site nicely complements much of the research I've done. I look forward to seeing NativeTech grow.
Tom Apple (tuckahoe@pinn.net)
Norfolk, VA USA - Tuesday, December 17, 1996 at 14:02:39 (EST)
Some years ago I did an MA Thesis at UMass on the 'Indian Praying Towns of New England. Some were Nipmuc, the biggest being Hassenamesit (now Hassenamisco) near Grafton, Mass. Did you know the first bible ever printed in north America was an Indian bible, and that the whole thing was typeset, I think with wooden type, by a Nipmuc known as James the Printer? It was typeset at Harvard College, which was first a school for both Whites and Indians, and it was an arduous job. The translation was by the missionary John Elliot, about 1634. They worked together to produce this bible. Back in 1968 or 9 I discovered Hassenamisco still existed and visited there, and met a wonderful Nipmuck woman, Zara Ciscoe Brough. She turned out to be a direct descendant of James the Printer! And what's more, an old man, last name Elliot, was visiting her. He turned out to be the descendant of John Elliot. Said their families were friends down through the centuries! The bible, one of the few remaining, can be viewed in Widener Library at Harvard. Is Zara still on this earth? I heard she wasn't... She had many great stories, and had me out to visit several weekends. Glad to find this site.
Susan Stevens (Sue4711)
Rio Rancho, NM USA - Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at 03:52:25 (EST)
Hello! I have recently discovered that I have Eastern
Abenaki blood. At 32, I have decided to completely
relearn history from the perspective I was never taught
but always knew was there! I'm searching to find out
more about where I come from, but most of my aged relatives
are gone. I'm also interested in trying to learn the
language and ways of the Eastern Abenaki people.
Elisabeth A. Shepard (nydge@sfsu.edu)
San Rafael, Ca USA - Monday, November 18, 1996 at 19:35:12 (EST)
I am studying about North American Indians in my third grade class. Thank you for all the great information. I will visit again soon.
Sarah Hollis (102442-2477)
Westport, ct USA - Sunday, November 17, 1996 at 19:00:31 (EST)
I am always glad to see sites dedicated to eastern Native people. I would be glad to share info and insights into the old-and-new of Long Island Native peoples, particularly their spirituality. I am of Montauk/Poosepatuck descent. Thanks for a great page!
Bernice Forrest Guillaume (lizmontauk@aol.com)
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, November 11, 1996 at 20:20:58 (EST)
This is a wonderful site. Our family was reunited with the Vickers this summer! in Sturbridge Mass. I am proud to be a Nepmuc, and looking for information on any family history . can any one help? thanks
DARLENE VICKERY (Nurse_1_6@wow.com)
Lake Wales, FL USA - Thursday, October 24, 1996 at 17:09:49 (EDT)
Hello! We really like your site. Can you help us with our Indian project?
Miscoe Hill Middle School 5th graders (bglazer@kersur.net)
Mendon, MA USA - Monday, October 07, 1996 at 11:42:50 (EDT)
Pleased to see this site, and appreciate the effort that goes into it. A great resource for the Nipmuc nation and interested parties. Will check in peridically. Hope to contribute someday.
Wounded Bear (lugarcia@ix.netcom.com)
Whitinville, MA USA - Sunday, October 06, 1996 at 11:58:34 (EDT)
Nice job, Tara. One feather more and..... Hello Joan.
Thank you both for being kind to an Abenaki out of his territory. Now, if you would just have those meetings on a day when I'm not working.
From my Ancestors, I am Indian; For my people and my relations, I remain so!
Pablo Lonesome Wolf
Pablo Lonesome Wolf (Pablo@Abenaki.Tribal.Org)
Clinton, CT USA - Saturday, October 05, 1996 at 16:19:11 (EDT)
The cite is beautiful! You've done a wonderful job Tara, thanks to you the world knows that Nipmucs still survive and reside in New England. Your hard work is appreciated sincerely. A member.
Sandi (SLC3@juno.com)
Danielson, CT USA - Friday, October 04, 1996 at 09:56:21 (EDT)
nice updates, don't forget to check out that link to native american cultural society at uconn, folks. (see links, education). we also do things in conjunction with n.i.a.c.
nunya ageya
storrs, ct USA - Monday, September 30, 1996 at 02:14:22 (EDT)
My work involves consulting in fund raising. I'm meeting with Joan Luster today, September 22, to discuss how I may be helpful to NIAC, Inc. I am interested in Native American culture and do this pro bono. I'm really looking forward to meeting Joan and learning more about the Nipmuc's
Susan M. Weber CFRE (Thewebgrp@aol.com)
Rocky Hill, CT USA - Sunday, September 22, 1996 at 08:26:39 (EDT)
Hello! Joan Luster told me about this site, and I wanted
to stop in and say hello. I work at Old Sturbridge Village
and we are working toward a better relationship with Native
Americans in the area and a more responsible representation
of history. This looks great and I hope you have plenty of
visitors to your site.
take care and good luck, Shawn Parker
P.S. I think the "Improved Order of RedMen" was an all-
white fraternal organization (Like the Elks or Masons),
who used native American culture as a motif.
Shawn Parker (osv2@hey.net)
Sturbridge, MA USA - Thursday, September 19, 1996 at 16:53:09 (EDT)
Hello, I'm only 7years old and born on Dec 25
Caitlin Page Brown (scotte..brown@worldnet.att.net)
Bridgewater, NJ USA - Friday, September 13, 1996 at 17:40:29 (EDT)
OXFORD, MA USA - Friday, August 23, 1996 at 21:35:37 (EDT)
Another wonderfully informative site! May many people learn and grow from visiting here!
Deborah (inspmgr@mo.net)
MO USA - Monday, August 12, 1996 at 18:06:15 (EDT)
I am finding this web site very interseting although what I was looking for was information about totem poles of the North west coast
Alain Cozens (101576.3216@compuserve.com)
Kettering, U.K. - Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 16:12:13 (EDT)
Thank you for providing such helpful information. I was unaware that such a home page existed. Now that I know, I will be visiting quite often.
Dana M. Jackson (dmj95001@uconnvm.uconn.edu)
storrs, ct USA - Monday, August 05, 1996 at 14:43:51 (EDT)
Welcome to N.I.A.C.'s Guestbook! We hope you enjoyed our pages. Come back soon to see our updates!
Take care,
NIAC's Program & Events Chairperson (tara.l.prindle@snet.net)
Storrs, CT USA - Thursday, August 01, 1996 at 08:48:02 (EDT)
Return to NIAC Home Page
For additional information, write to:
N.I.A.C., Inc.
Box 411
Thompson, CT 06277-0411
© 1996-2000 N.I.A.C., Inc. NipmucNIAC@juno.com
The NIAC Web Site is maintained by Tara Prindle.