Nipmuc Split - QUINNEHTUKQUT NIPMUC NEWS from the Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut
Quinnehtukqut Nipmuc News
Exerpts from Quinnehtukqut Nipmuc News
The Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut's Quarterly Newsletter


Quinnehtukqut Nipmuc News Vol.3 No.4 - October 1996
(Source: Sunday Telegram - 9/22/96)

The Chaubunagungamaug and Hassanamisco bands, based in Massachusetts, are no longer working together on a single petition for federal recognition of the Nipmuc tribe. Instead, each band intends to file its own application for federal recognition. A decision will be made by the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs within the next six months as to whether or not either of the petitioning Nipmuc bands constitutes a tribe.

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