Nipmuc Place Names of New England


Willimantic Village, Piscataquis County - "good cedar swamp"? See Willimantic (CT).

Nipmuc Place Names of New England


Acoomemeck, Worcester County - "at the place across" (?). An ancient village site.

Agawam, Hampden County and Plymouth County - "low land" or "overflowed by water;" also, "place to unload canoes". The Agawams were a Nipmuc band in present-day Springfield. Metawampe (alias Nettawassawet, was a leader of the Agawams. The Agawams may have been part of the Quabaug band.

Ahampatunshauge Pond, Worcester County - "beyond the round pond (where rushes grow?)" or "place of small pointed stakes" (some sort of garden fence?). See Ahumpatunshaug (MA).

Ahumpatunshaug, Worcester County - "beyond the round pond" or "little pointed stakes place". See Ahampatunshauge (MA).

Alum Pond, Sturbridge; and Little Alum Pond, Holland, Worcester County - "a dog". Sources of the Quinebaug River: the "Alum ponds," 1715. See Allum (RI).

Annursnack Hill, Middlesex County - "lookout place" or "summit".

Annuskumikak, Worcester County - "broken up land" or "land hoed, ready for planting".

Anqepenick, Worcester County - "end of the sloping land".

Ashcannunsuck or Ashkannunckset, Hampden County - "at the place of narrowing"? or "at the end of the rocks"?

Ashquoash, Worcester County - "green garden stuff", such as melons, squash, etc. One authority gives this as part of a word meaning "at the end of" [something].

Augutteback Pond, Worcester County - "kettle-pond". See Agutteback (MA).

Baquag River (now Millers River), Worcester County - "clear water". Also Paquag. See Paquoag (MA).

Boggochaug Hills, Worcester County - "at the turning place". See Packachaug (MA). The Boggistowes were a small Nipmuc band in present-day Millis.4

Canestow River, Worcester County - "pickerel place".

Catacoonamug Pond, Worcester County - "great long fishing place" (eels?). Another authority gives "thirsty land" (kohkuttoonoonk).

Chabanakongkomuk, Worcester County, - "boundary fishing-place" or "place of separation where we fish". [Some say "Treaty Pond." This is one of the place names said to mean, "you fish on your side, I fish on my side, nobody fish in the middle--no trouble".] Also Chaubunagungamaug. See Chaubunakongamaug (MA).

Chaboken Pond, Worcester County - "hell pond". Literally, "place of separated (spirits)" from tcheppi-ohke.

Chachabunk kakowok (somewhere in Worcester County, exact location unknown) - "at the boundary" or "at the agreement place".

Chargoggagoggmanchogaggogg Pond, Worcester County - This name retains only a suggestion of the original name and incorporates with it the name of the Indian [Nipmuc] village of Monuhchogok (see Manchaug and Monuhchogog MA).See Chabanakongkomuk, Chaubunakongkomuk and Chaubunakungamaug.

Chaubanakongkomun or Chabunakongkomun. See Chabanakongkomuk and Chaubunakongkomuk.

Chaubongum, Webster - a small pond about half a mile south of Chaubunakongkomuk, so named in a deed of 1684, near the n.e. corner of Thompson. Ellen D. Larned, MS.

Chaubunakongamaug - The great pond at Webster. "Boundary fishing-place" or "fishing place at the boundary". See Chabanakongkomuk (MA).

Chaubunakongkomuk (Eliot, 1668), Chabanakongkomun (D. Gookin) - an Indian town in the Nipmuc country, no. of the great pond in Webster, near the CT line. Contracted to Chanangongum. Col. Rec., ii. 453. The name as written by Eliot means "a boundary place". A village of "Praying Indians", 1674. A Chaubunagungamaug Nipmuc band exists in Webster today with a small reservation on Wager Road in Thompson, CT.

Chequapee, Hampden County - "rushing water" (or "cedar tree?). See Chicopee.

Chesquonopog, Worcester County - "great long pond".

Chickons, Hampden County - "burned place (burned so as to be clear) ready for planting".

Chicopee, Hampden County - "violent water", (or "cedar tree"?).

Chikabi - see Chicopee and Chequapee (MA).

Chockalog Pond, Worcester County - "fox place"? or "burned land"?

Chocksett, Worcester County - "fox place".

Cochituate Lake & Village, Middlesex County, (Nipmuc? Natick?) - "place of swift water". The Cochhituates were a small Nipmuc band in present-day Framingham.4

Coes Reservoir & Village, Worcester County - "pine tree".

Coicus. See Nonacoicus (MA).

Colicum Pond, Worcester County - "whistling duck".

Congamond Lakes, Ponds & Village, Hampden County - "long fishing place". Another source gives "parched land place".

Coocatoonemaug Brook & Pond, Worcester County - "eel fishing place". See also Catacoonamug (MA). The Cocatoonemaugs were a small Nipmuc band in present-day Lunnenburg.4

Cottinackeesh, Hampden County - "little farms place" or "he digs and plants a field". Has also been translated as "ground planted now, little heaps", i.e., hills of corn and beans.

Cowasset River, Worcester County - "at the place of pines".

Harco monco Pond, Worcester County - "hook shaped fishing place"?

Hassanamesit, in Grafton - "place where there is (much) gravel" or "at the place of small stones". The Hassanamesets (or Hassanemassets) were a Nipmuc band; Hassanamesit was also a "Praying Town". The Hassanamisco band still exists today with a small reservation on Brigham Hill Road in Grafton.

Hassunek Hill, Worcester County - "at the stony place". (Eliot gives "a ledge of rocks". Perhaps a rock-shelter in an overhang; a cave?)

Hosokey Meadow, Worcester County - "marsh land". Also spelled Hosokie.

Hossanamisco - see Hassanamesit (MA).

Kekamoochaug, Worcester County - "where the earth trembled".

Kekamowadchaug, Worcester County - "mountain where the earth trembles".

Kekomoowadchunt, near Oxford - The name of a 'plantation'. (See Kekamoochaug and Kekamowadchaug (MA).)

Kesiog Pond, Hampden County - If Nipmuc, "place of briars or thorns." Commonly Siog Pond. See Sioug Pond (MA).

Kittituck Stream (now Blackstone River), Worcester County - "at the large (or principal) tidal river".

Lashaway River, Worcester County - "between". See Nashua (MA).

Maanexit River, Worcester County. See Maanexit (CT).

Magomiscock Hill, Worcester County - "place of the large rock" or possibly "place of wasteland".

Magunkahquog, Makunkokoag, Magunkook - (Nipmuc? Natick?) - a tract of about 3,000 acres, principally in Hopkinton but also in Ashland, which was granted by MA to be occupied by the 'Praying Indians'. Gookin (1674) writes that name of the Indian town Maguukaquog, and says that the signification of the name is "a place of great trees". This would be decisive, were it not that Eliot--who could not be mistaken as to the meaning of the name of a town that he had a chief hand in planting--wrote in 1669 (MS. Petition, in Library of NY Historical Society), "Magwonkkomuk", which means 'the place (or town) of the gift," i.e., 'granted place', from magwonk (gift) and komuk (place). Possibly this, the original name, had been changed by the Indians themselves to the more familiar and more easily pronounced Magunkook.

Magus Hill, Norfolk County - for John Magus, a Nipmuc chief who deeded Hardwick land in 1686.

Makamacheckamucks Hill, Worcester County - from the Catacoonamaug (MA) chief, Mahmachekomock. The name may mean "where we get small bait fish" (mamachoog), or "big mountain strewn with rocks", or "big, useless plantation".

Manaumet, Worcester County - "lookout place".

Manchage, Worcester County - "ye shall be strengthened".

Manchage, Worcester County (Natick? Nipmuc?) - "place of departure", "place of marveling"?

Manchaug Pond (between Sutton and Douglas) & Village, Worcester County - "island of rushes" or "island where flags grow". A village of Praying Indians in the Nipmuc Country [in Sutton], about 8 miles w. of Nipmuck (Blackstone) river. Gookin, 1674. Formerly in Oxford. Eliot wrote the name Monuhchogok. MA Archives, Indians, i., 146. Roger Williams (1637) mentions the "Monashackotoogs" as Nipmucks who were confederates of the Pequots. 4 M.H. Coll., vi. 194.

Manexit River, Worcester County - "near the path" or "he gathers them together". See Manexit (CT).

Manhan River, Hampshire County - "island".

Manonscusset, Worcester County - "lookout hill place".

Manoosnock, (Nipmuc? Natick?) - "at the summit" or "at the lookout place". Nipmuc territory which extended from Lancaster to Gardener.4 Also see Monoosmoc and Monoosuck (MA).

Masacksicke, Hampden County - "big meadow".

Mashamugget Hill, Worcester County - "spring of water" or "great water spring". Also translated, "great fishing place". See Mashamoquet (CT).

Mashamugget Meadow, Worcester County - "great meadow-grass country". But see Mashamugget Hill (MA), and both Mashamoquet and Machimucket (CT).

Mashapauge, Worcester County - "large pond" or possibly "worthless pond". (Swampy land unfit for planting?)

Masocksicke, Hampden County - "big meadow".

Maspenock Pond, Worcester County - "overflowed land" or "boggy place". May also be, "choice fishing place" and "great narrow path".

Masquomcussick, Hampden County - "grassy enclosed place" or "grassy haven". Or perhaps "big sharp stones place"?

Masquomp, Hampden County - "red rock".

Massacksic, Hampden County - "at the great marsh". Also Massaksicke.

Massamoskeht, Worcester County - "place of much grass" or "great hay country".

Massaquockumnie Brook, Worcester County - "big shaking meadow".

Masshapauge Pond, Worcester County - "big pond".

Matchuk Meadows, Worcester County - "bad, or useless land".

Mattabaget, Hampden County - "at the edge of the pond" or "at the far distant pond".

Mattaoolanic, Hampshire County - "where waters meet and mingle".

Menameset, Hampshire County - "at the place where fish abound".

Menemesseck, Worcester County - "at the great fish-weir" or "at the important fishing place".

Menuhkikook, Worcester County - "place where (you shall be) strengthened".

Metewemesick, Worcester County - "at the place of dark earth".

Mincomonk Meadow, Hampshire County - "over-across place"; possibly "land across the brook". Also Mincommuck.

Minhan Island, Hampshire County - "the island".

Minnechoag, Hampden County - "berry mountain".

Miscoe Hill, Worcester County - "great hill". Also see Misquoc (MA).

Misquoc Hill, Worcester County - possibly part of ussunamis-co ("small rock" or "pebble")?

Missogkonnog, Worcester County - "plantation near big outlet"? or "big miry tract"?

Mittineag, Hampden County - "abandoned fields" or "remains of encampment".

Moantukcake Hill, Worcester County - "at the tree where they assemble"? or "at the bend in the river"?

Moccasin Brook, Worcester County - "a shoe". (Moccasin also means "a shoe" in the Abnaki language.)

Monomonac Lake, Worcester County - "at the deep place" or "deep black mire".

Monoosmoc Brook, Worcester County - "deep miry place" or possibly "deep stream".

Monoosuck, Worcester County - "deep brook".

Monuhchogog, Worcester County - "near the deep pond"? or "ye shall be strengthened"? Also see Manchaug and Manchage (MA).

Monuhchug. See Manchaug (MA).

Mossonachud Hill, Worcester County - "hill covered with dried trees" or perhaps "canoe-wood hill".

Mugget Hill, Worcester County - "beaver"?

Mugunkwaquog, Worcester County - "place of the gift".

Mulpus Brook, Worcester County - "little heaps", probably muskrat or beaver lodges. But, some say this is from the name of a French settler, deMulpuis.

Muschopaug Pond, Worcester County - "muskrat pond" or "wide pond". Also Muskopog, Muscopauk, etc.

Musquebaug, Worcester County - "red pond".

Musshauge Swamp, Worcester County - "grassy pond" or "grassy place".

Nabnasset Pond, Hampden County - "near the dry land"? or pond "number twelve"? or "chestnut tree place"?

Nacommuck Brook, Worcester County - "enclosed point of land" or "garden at the point" or "sandy field"?

Naggawoomcom Pond, Worcester County - probably a variant of Agawam in the sense of "a canoe unloading place", "basin at the sandy place".

Naltaug Brook, Worcester County - "narrow place". Alternate spelling Nautaug.

Nanacoicus Pond, Worcester County - "an earthen pot" or "an earthen kettle".

Nanantomqua, Worcester County - "rocky point"?

Nanepashemet Village, Essex County - "he who walks at night", i.e., The Moon. Nanepashemet was the great Moon Chief of the Naumkeag at Salem in 1616. A "Queen Nanepashemet" [a squaw sachem] was killed in 1621. Another possible translation: "dry fountain". Also Nanapanshemet.

Naquag, Worcester County - "a point or angle". Nipmuc territory: "Naquag included the whole northwest corner of Worcester County, as far as the Miller's river valley."4

Nashawake, Worcester County - "place between river branches". See Nashawag (CT).

Nashoba Brook, Middlesex County - "the place between" or "between waters". Nashoba was initially a village of "Praying Indians" in Littleton. Later it became one of the 'plantations of confinement' where Nipmuc and other Native people were ordered to go in 1675/1676 as a result of the King Philip War.

Nashua Reservoir and River, Worcester County - "between" streams. Variant: Nashawa-eg. The Nashuas, or Nashaways, were a Nipmuc band in present-day Sterling.4

Naukeag Lake & Village, Worcester County - "fishing place" or "sandy place", or "soft earth".

Nayas, Hampden County - "a point, or angle".

Nayasset, Hampden County - "at the small point".

Nayyag, Hampden County - "at the point".

Nayyocossuck, Hampden County - "brook near the point of land".

Neesepegesuck Brook and Pond, Middlesex County - "two narrow outlets". Also, "two pond brook".

Neeseponsonet, Worcester County - "in the neighborhood of two clear ponds" or "at the second waterfall".

Nemoset Mountain & Pond, Middlesex County - "at the fishing place".

Nepasooenegg Brook (Mohawk Brook), Hampden County - "at the upright stone".

Nichewaug Village, Worcester County - "at the midway place" or "place between".

Nipmucks (or Nipnets) - a small Nipmuc band located in the Mendon area.4

Nitchewog, Worcester County - "land or place between".

Nolwottog, Hampshire County - "far-away place".

Nonacoicus Brook & Pond, Worcester County - "dry earth"? "dry pines"? "earthen pot"?

Nookagee Brook, Worcester County - "the sandy place"; possibly, "the clay place".

Noycoy, Hampden County - "soft stuff", such as mud or clay.

Nungee Brook & Swamp, Hampshire County - "trembling, quaking".

Ockoogangansett Hill, Middlesex County - "at the plantation" or "plowed fields place". A village of "Praying Indians". The Ockoogamesets were a small Nipmuc band in present-day Marlborough.4

Ocsechoxit, Worcester County - "fox country". See Woonksechocksett (MA).

Oggunikonqquamesut, Middlesex County - "at the plowed fields or plantation". See Ockoogangansett.

Pacatuck Brook, Hampden County - "open, clear river".

Pachasuck, Hampden County - "split, or divided, brook".

Pachuach, Hampden County - "bends", or "turning-off place".

Packachaug Hills, Worcester County - "at the turning place". Also Pakachog, Packachoag, Packachooge, etc.

Packachoog, Worcester County - "bare mountain place" or "treeless mountain". A village of 'Praying Indians' in present-day Auburn. (Same as Packachaug (MA)?)

Pahquioque, Worcester County - "cleared lands".

Pamaquesicke River, Hampshire County - "at the ledges".

Pantukket Falls, Essex County - "at the falls in the river".

Pappacontucksquash River, Hampden County - "cleft bank rocks" or "gorge".

Paquoag, Franklin County - "an open or clear place". See Pequag and Pequiog (MA).

Paquonk quamaug, Hampshire County - "at the shallow fishing place".

Pasacomuck, Hampshire County - "where it (the trail?) turns or branches".

Pascatiguage, Worcester County - "place clear of trees" or "open place near the stream".

Pascommuck School, Hampshire County - "where it turns or branches" or "plantation where road forks".

Paskesickquopoh Pond, Hampshire County - "pond that branches".

Paskhommuck, Hampshire County - "turning place" or "dividing place". A boundary-mark.

Pataug Plain, Worcester County - "a bog"? or "small trees"?

Pattaquattic Hill & Ponds, Hampden County - "at the round place" or "at the round hill".

Patucket Falls, Hampshire County - "at the falls in the river".

Paucatuck Brook, Hampden County - "shallow river".

Pauhunganuck Brook, Hampden County - "at the place where millstones are quarried (or perhaps, where stone mortars are made?); also, "within the bend", "little field brook" and "small enclosed field".

Paupasquachuke, Worcester County - "at the double hill".

Pautage, Worcester County - "a neck, where the land juts out".

Pecowsic, Hampden County - "where the river opens out". But some derive this from Indian names of "red or gray fox". Another spelling, Peccawoosuck, may be translated "clear, open brook".

Penkese Island, Worcester County - "at the shallow place"?

Pequag, Worcester County - "cleared or cultivated land". See Paquoag and Pequiog (MA).

Pequiog, Worcester County - "cleared land". See Paquaog and Pequag (MA).

Peskeompscut, Franklin County - "at the split rocks".

Petowamacha Hills, Hampden County - "jutting (up) mountains" or "bulging mountains".

Petowwag, Hampden County - "bulging place". One authority gives "land from whence water flows to us". See Petowamacha (MA).

Pewonganuck River, Hampden County - "at the place of whetstones" or "place of small long stones". Also, "country of small bends or turns".

Picosick, Hampden County - "river opens out"? or "red fox"? See Pecowsic (MA).

Piegans - a Nipmuc band in present-day Dudley.4 Also Pegan, which means "bare" in the Natick dialect.

Pitchawamache Swamp, Hampshire County - "at the place of low, miry land". Also, Pitchawam.

Pochassic Hills, Hampden County - "at the narrow outlet".

Pochasuck, Hampden County - "narrow outlet" or "narrow brook".

Podunk, Quabaug pond in Brookfield - "now more generally denominated Podunk, from a tract of meadow adjoining [Quabaug pond], which the Indians called Podunk." (Whitney's Worc. County, 77.)

Pogotossuc, Hampden County - "at the small hollow" or "outlet of the small hollow". Also translated as "steep falls brook".

Pomagusset, Worcester County - "at the stream which is crossways of the path or trail"; or possibly "at the dancing place".

Pomkikin, Worcester County - "shallow place" or "fording place". Also Pommakin.

Poniken Village (or Ponikin Hill), Worcester County (Nipmuc?) - "put down your burden" (at the end of portage?). Also spelled Ponnakin. But if Quassaponiken, perhaps "edge of bank" or "fording-place".

Pontoosuc, several sites in MA (Nipmuc? Mahican?) - "falls on the brook".

Poohookapaug Pond, Worcester County - "cats' pond". But if Pookhookapaug, "pond where we smoked tobacco".

Pootipookoopaug, Worcester County? - "wild cat country".4

Poquiag, Worcester County - "cleared land".

Potepaug, Worcester County - "miry pond" or "damp, marshy land".

Potipookoopaug - "wild cat country".4 (Also see Poohookapaug.) Same as Putikookuppogg (Temple 1887:42)?

Pottapaug Hill & Pond, Worcester County - "marshy, damp bog", or possibly "a bulging cove or pond". Also Pottapogue, Pottapoug, etc.

Poyasuck, Hampden County - "small brook".

Puckcommeagon River, Hampden County - "white oak tree".

Quabaconk, Worcester County - "red pond" or "swampy land". Also Quabacutt, Quabakonk, Quabauk, etc.

Quabbin Mountain, Hampshire County; Reservoir and Park, Hampden, Franklin & Worcester Counties - "it twists and turns about"? "crooked streams"? Named for a chief?

Quaboag Pond & River, Worcester County - "before the pond" or "pond-before"? More likely an abbreviation of m'squ'boag, "bloody pond" or "red pond". The Quabaugs were a large Nipmuc band in present-day Brookfield; one of their sachems was called Quacunquasit.

Quacumquasit Pond, Worcester County - possibly from the name of Chief Quacuunquasit of Quaboag (MA).

Quacumquasset Pond, Hampden County - "black ducks marsh" or "end of the marsh".

Quag Pond, Worcester County - "where land shakes and trembles" (a shaking marsh).

Quana, Hampden County - "long". This is probably just part of a longer original name.

Quanata Hill, Worcester County - "boundary place" or "long hill" or "tall tree"?

Quanatock Brook, Hampden County - "long stream" or "tall trees".

Quaquananawich, Worcester County - "high observation (lookout) place".

Quaquoountuck, Hampden County - "shaking marsh creek".

Quasapaug, Worcester County - "pickerel pond"?

Quassaponikin Hill, Worcester County - "at the largest fording place" or "greatest shallow section".

Quassink Pond, Worcester County - "at the stony place". A lead mine was operated, "by Quassink at Tantousque, the Sturbridge mine"...

Quassuck Pond, Worcester County - "at the very large outlet".

Quillicksq, Hampden County - "mixed water and earth" (mud or mire).

Quinabaag River, Worcester County - "long pond". Also see Quinnebaug (MA). The Quinebaugs were a Nipmuc band in present-day Sturbridge.

Quinacquck, Hampden County - "high land".

Quinapoxet, Worcester County - "at the place of the little long pond", or perhaps "the long swamp".

Quinnebaug River, Hampden County - "long pond".

Quinnebeggin, at Medway - translation unknown. A boundary of Nipnet.

Quinnepoxet, Worcester County - "place of the little long pond".

Quinshepaug, Worcester County - "pike pond" or "pickerel pond".

Quinsigamond Lake & River, in Worcester - "pickerel fishing place". Another translation: "enclosed place at the long brook".

Quisset Hill, Worcester County - "at the place of the small pines". Also spelled Quissit.

Quitemaug Hill, Worcester County - "the great fishing place". Named for John Quittemug (Acquittamaug?), a Nipmuc counselor in 1630.

Qunnubage, Worcester County - "long pond". See Quinebaug (CT) and Quinnebaug (MA).

Qununkwattchu, Hampden County - "the high mountain". Variant, Qununque wachu.

Quonackquk, Hampden County - "high place".

Quonektacut, Hampden County - "at the long river" (the Connecticut River).

Quonshapage, Worcester County - "long fish pond", that is "pickerel pond".

Sagatobscot Hill, Worcester County - "at the place of hard rock".

Sankrohonk, Hampden County - "land at the outlet". Also, Sankrohoncum.

Sasagook apaug, Worcester County - "alder pond"? Some give "black snake pond"--possibly eels (sassaman-quock, "shiny black and slippery").

Sasaketasick, Worcester County - "dark flowing, muddy stream".

Saw watep skechuwas, Sawmill Brook, Hampden County - "pouring forth alone it comes out"; also translated as "continuous outflowing current runs over sloping ledges".

Scantic, Hampden County - "where the river branches".

Scantuk River, Hampden County - "river branch".

Sconunganuc, Hampden County - "plenty of corn here" or "green stuff place".

Segreganset, Bristol County, (Nipmuc? Narragansett?) - "place of hard rocks" or "where it pours out". Segreganset, a Nipmuc village, was in the northwest corner of Rhode Island.4

Shatterack Brook & Mountain, Hampden County (Nipmuc? Abnaki?) - possibly "where two streams meet" or "foaming place"?

Shawsheen River & Village, Middlesex County - probably Nipmuc, from the name of Sagamore Sam, alias Shoshanim.

Shimmunk, Hampden County - "at the springs". Also spelled Shipmuck.

Shipmuck, Hampden County - "springs", "big watery place" or "big bog"?

Shockolog Pond, Worcester County - see Chockalog (MA).

Showaluckqut, Worcester County - "where the river forks".

Shumuit, Worcester County - "at the spring" of good water.

Sickcompsqu, Hampden County - "black rocks" or "hard rocks"?

Sioug Pond, Hampden County - "thorns" or "briars".

Skenunganock, Hampden County - "green field".

Skipmaug, Hampden County - "chief fishing place".

Sneechteconnet River, Bristol County, (Nipmuc?) - "rock in or along the river". This is a local name for the Blackstone River.

Souhegan River, Worcester County - "southwest river"; also, "watching place".

Squabage, Worcester County - "red pond".

Suchow, Hampshire County, (possibly Nipmuc) - "between the hills", or "dark colored lands", or "big hill" or "rocky hill".

Sumpauge Pond, Worcester County, (Nipmuc? Narragansett?) - "male beaver" or "pond with small stones; a gravelly pond".

Sunmuckquommuck, Hampden County - "extended plantation".

Tahanto Point, Worcester County - possible meaning: "principal point or neck of land". George Tahanto (or Tahatawom) was chief of the Nashaway in 1700.

Tallawanda, Worcester County - "hoarse voiced ones" (that is, "bitterns" or "cranes").

Tantiusque, Tantousque, in the Sturbridge area - translation unknown.

Tatnit Hill & Brook, Worcester County - "at the great hill". Also Tatnic (CT), Tatnick, Tatnuck.

Tattahassun, Worcester County - "at the top of the shaking or rocking boulder".

Tokekommunwadchuck, Worcester County - "gushing spring at the lookout mountain". A plantation. Also spelled Tohkekomoo-Wadchunt.

Tomhaummucke, Hampden County - "it is flooded", or "at the overflowed place". Also translated as "place of grinding" or "mortar place".

Tomhollisick Brook, Hampden County - "samp mortar brook" or "grinding place".

Towtaid, Worcester County - "open, solitary, deserted field". In Spencer/Leicester, including parts of Auburn and Holden..

Towunucksett River, Hampden County - "at the ford". Another meaning: "bridge of stepping stones"; or possibly "mortar place" - where corn was pounded.

Ueques, Worcester County (Nipmuc? Mohegan?) - "this is the end, or boundary".

Umsquattanack, Hampden County - "at the beaver or muskrat domes", or perhaps "rocks sloping down place"; also, "place at the end of the village or mountain".

Uncachewalunk Pond, Worcester County - "brook at the end of the hill", (where we make dishes?); or "place of acorns"?, or "place beyond the good hill"? Also spelled Uncachewhalomaug and Uncachewalumock.

Unchechewhaton Pond, Worcester County - "at the end of the wooded hills".

Uncheckcathaton Pond, Worcester County - "cedar mountain".

Unquamonk Hill, Hampshire County - "at the end place" or "at the boundary".

Usquaiok River, Hampden County - "at the end of this land" or "boundary place".

Ussowwack, Franklin County - "at the end-place", or "at the boundary". Also translated as "seething pot".

Wabaquassit, Worcester County - see (CT).

Wacuntug, Worcester County - "a bend in the river". A Nipmuc village, Wacuntuc, was located here in the late 1600s. "Wacumtaug" was a village of 'Praying Indians' in present-day Uxbridge.4 Also Waeuntug.

Wahnoosnook, Worcester County - "deep brook", from Monoosuck.

Wainooset Hills & Stream, Worcester County - "a deep brook". See Monoosuck (MA).

Wakepeke Brook, Worcester County, (Nipmuc?) - "he pitched his tent here", or "reeds for making houses"? or "dwelling place"?

Wallamanumps Falls, Hampden County - "red cliffs" or "red steep rocks".

Wallamanumpscook, Worcester County - "at the rock standing in the red-paint place"--an important boundary marker.

Wanchatopek Pond, Worcester County - "where to get roots" (for sewing, etc.), or "roots soaked in water"? Also Wanketopic, "crooked roots place"?

Wannashowatuckqut, Worcester County - "at the fork of the river".

Wannomack Ponds, Worcester County - "grape country". Variants, Wanomchonck, Wannumchunk.

Waronoco, Hampden County, (Nipmuc?) - "winding about". Also Woronoco, Worrinoke, etc.

Wasapskotock, Hampden County - "at the shining rock". (But possibly, "flax or hemp at this river"?)

Washacum, Worcester County - "surface of the sea"? The principal village of the Nashua band of Nipmuc. A village of "Praying Indians" in Sterling.4

Watananock Hill, Worcester County - "place where the river winds around the hill" or "bend in the river at the hill".

Wataquadock Brook, Hill & Road, Worcester County - "place where we get fire-wood (branches of trees)"; or perhaps "lookout place".

Watatick Pond & Mountain, Worcester County - "a mountain stream", or possibly "mountain covered with trees". Also perhaps "wigwam river" or "lookout place".

Watchaug Brook, Hampden County - "hill country".

Weckwannuck Brook (now Sugar Loaf Brook), Hampden County - "at the end of the hill".

Wembemiscook, Worcester County - "place of chestnuts" or "place of small white fruit". Also Wombemisiscook, Wombemiscunck, Wombomesscock, etc.

Wenimessett, Worcester County - "at the good fishing place"? or "grape vines here"?

Wequaes, Worcester County - "at the end or boundary". Variant, Uquaes.

Wequanhausick, Hampden County - "at the end of the neck", or perhaps "abode of swans"?, or "at the end of the meadow"?

Weronke, Hampden County - "winding about". See Woronoco (MA).

Wickapicket Brook, Worcester County - "among the basswoods" or "where we get Wickopy (tying-bark)". Possibly from Sachem Wickobema, whose name means "basswood".

Wikapokotownow, Worcester County - "village at the end of the pond" or "hill at the end of the divided brook"?

Willimansett, Hampden County - "place of red earth"? or "good berries place"?

Winechaug Mountain, Hampden County - "good mountain". But, if Minnechaug, "berry mountain".

Winnekeag Lake, Worcester County - "good fishing place".

Winnemisset Brook, Worcester County - "place of grape vines". Also Winnimisset.

Winnimisset Brook, Worcester County - "near the grape vines". Another source gives "deep place or valley".

Wishquodiniack, Wishquatenniog, Westquodniake - the n.e. boundary of the Quinebaug country claimed by Hyems (or Allumps), sachem of the Quinebaug band (Ind. Test. in T. & Lands, ii. 188). It was very near Machepaconaponsuck (RI) and Shenunkchooge (CT). As pronounced by Quinebaug Indians, "Wish-quat-en-ni-og" and "Wishquodiniack", it appears to mean "walnut-tree land" (wishquatinneauke) or "walnut tree hill land (wishquut-adene-auke).

Wollamansak sepe, Hampden County - "red-earth country stream".

Wolomopoag Pond, Norfolk County - "beautiful pond" or "shallow pond". (Perhaps "dog pond"?)

Wombemesisacook, Worcester County - "place of the white fruit, or white nuts" (chestnuts). Also Wombamsicunk, Wombameescock, Wombemessock, etc. Near Brookfield.

Wombisiscook - "most of the Ware river valley".4 Same as Wembemiscook or Wombemesisacook?

Wongun, Hampshire County - "the bend".

Woonksechocksett, Worcester County - "fox country". Also Ocsechoxit, Wonksacoxet. See Chocksett (MA).

Wopowage, Worcester County - "at the narrows" or "at the crossing place".

Woronoco, Hampden County - "winding about". Other spellings: Woronoack, Worrinoke, Warronoco, etc.

Wullamanic Hill, Worcester County - "at the place of red paint".

Wunnaqueckset, Hampden County - "at the end" or "end place". (Probably a boundary mark.)

Wunnashowatuckqut, Worcester County - "where the river splits" or "at the river fork".

Wuskowhananaukit, Worcester County - "at the abode of pigeons" or "pigeon country". As given by Roger Williams, the name of a "place where these fowl breed abundantly". In the northern part of the Nipmuc country. Also see Wusquowhanawkits (CT).

Wusquowhanawkits [i.e., 'people of the pigeon country'] - "who are the furthermost Nipnet men" (4 MA Hist. Coll., vi. 188, 193, 197, 207) and were subject to Canonicus (Potter's Narrag., 145). Perhaps at the forks of Blackstone's river; or between Quinebaug and French rivers. See Wuskowhananaukit (MA).

Wyben, Hampden County - "white stuff" (possibly a fabric made from inner bark).

Yowunck homuck, Hampden County - "at the other side, or end, of that field".

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