Program Planning Survey Form for Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut Members
Program Planning Survey Form
for Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut Members

Look at what NIAC could do! Many programs will require financial planning, and commitment of members' interest. The possibilities are limitless, but we need to know YOUR interests!

Please use these numbers (placed in the
boxes) to rate the following programs:

#1 = high level of interest
#2 = moderate interest

#3 = low interest
#4 = no interest

[ ] Beadwork
~ jewelry, decoration

[ ] Basketweaving
~ splint, cil, twined

[ ] Birchbark
~ containers, spoons, toys

[ ] Cattails
~ basketts, toys

[ ] Cornhusks
~ braided mats, dolls

[ ] Featherwork
~ single feathers, fans

[ ] Food & Plants
~ identifying, preparation

[ ] Leatherwork
~ bags, moccasins, mittens

[ ] Outdoor
~ hiking, fishing, camping, canoeing

[ ] Porcupine quillwork
~ earrings, embroidery

[ ] Pottery
~ containers, beads

[ ] Stonework
~ knapping, groundstone

[ ] Wetu (wigwam) construction
~ frame, mats, accessories

[ ] Willow
dreamcatchers, toys

[ ] Archaeological Fieldwork
~ for members or for public programs

We'd like to hear other ideas you may have:


We appreciate your input!
Return this form to:
Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut, Inc.
Box 411
Thompson, CT 06277-0411

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The NIAC Web Site is maintained by Tara Prindle.