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Beauchamp, William M.
1903 Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians.
New York State Museum Bulletin 73.
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Bradford, William
1981 Of Plimoth Plantation, 1620-1647.
New York City, New York: Random House.
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Burnham, Dorothy K.
1992 To Please the Caribou; Painted caribou-skin coats worn by the Naskapi, Montagnais, and Cree hunters of the Quebec-Labrador Peninsula.
Seattle: University of Washington Press.
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Church, Colonel Benjamin
1975 Diary of King Philip's War 1675-1676.
Introduction by Alan and Mary Simpson. Published for the Little Compton Historical Society; Tiverton, RI: Lockwood Publications.
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Claro, Nicole
1992 The Cherokee Indians.
New York: Chelsea House Publishers.
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Coe, Ralph T.
1986 Lost and Found Traditions, Native American Art 1965-1985.
New York: University of Washington Press in Association with the American Federation of Arts.
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De Forest, John W.
1852 History of the Indians of Connecticut from the Earliest Known Period to 1850.
Hartford, CT: W. J. Hamersley.
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de Laet, Johan
1967 From the "New World" [1625, 1630, 1633, 1640]. In Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664.
F.J. Jameson, ed. Pp. 29-60. New York: Barnes and Noble.
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Densmore, Frances
1979 Chippewa Customs.
St. Paul Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Society Press.
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Fogelman, Gary L.
1991 Glass Trade Beads in the Northeast and Including Aboriginal Bead Industries.
Fogelman Publishing Co.: Turbotville, PA.
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Gabort, R.
1993 Costume of the Iroquois.
Ontario, Canada: Iroqrafts, Ltd.
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Gookin, Daniel
1970 Historical Collections of the Indians in New England.
J.H. Fiske, ed. London: Towaid. (First published 1674).
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Hail, Barbara A.
1980 Hau, Kola! The Plains Indian Collection of the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology.
Fourth Printing 1994 (revised). Rhode Island: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University.
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Hartman, Sheryl
1988 Indian Clothing of the Great Lakes: 1740-1840.
Ogden, UT: Eagle's View Publishing Company.
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Hayes, Charles F., gen. ed.
1989 Proceedings of the 1986 Shell Bead Conference; Selected Papers.
New York: Rochester Museum and Science Center, Research Records No. 20.
Hathaway, Nancy
1990 Native American Portraits 1862-1918.
San Fancisco: Chronicle Books.
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Heath, Dwight B., ed.
1986 Mourt's Relation: A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth.
Cambridge: Applewood books. (First published in 1622).
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Jameson, F.J., ed.
1967 Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664.
New York: Barnes and Noble.
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Jennings, Francis
1976 The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
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Johnson, Michael G.
1990 American Woodland Indians.
Men-at-arms-series, V. 228. London: Osprey Publishing Ltd.
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Josselyn, John
1972 New-Englands Rarities Discovered.
Meriden: Meriden Gravure Co. (First published 1672).
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King, J.C.H.
1991 "Woodland Artifacts From the Studio of Benjamin West 1738-1820". In American Indian Art.
Vol.17, No.1, Winter. Scottsdale, AZ: American Indian Art, Inc.
King, J.C.H.
1993 "Woodlands Art as Depicted by Sarah Stone in the Collection of Sir Ashton Lever." In American Indian Art.
Vol. 18, No 2: 32-45. Scottsdale, AZ: American Indian Art, Inc.
Library of Congreess
1993 The North American Indian Portfolios.
New York: Abbeville Press Publishers.
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Lindholdt, Paul, ed.
1988 John Josselyn, A Critical Edition of Two Voyages to New England.
Hannover: University Press of New England. (First printed in 1674).
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Lowie, Robert H.
1954 Indians of the Plains.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
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Mails, Thomas
1972 "Mystic Warriors of the Plains"
Doubleday & Co: Garden City, New York.
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Miles, Charles
1963 Indian & Eskimo Artifacts of North America.
New York: Bonanza Books.
Monture, Joel
1993 The Complete Guide to Traditional Native American Beadwork. A definitive Study of Authentic Tools, Materials, Techniques, and Styles.
New York: Macmillian Publishing Co.
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Morgan, Lewis H.
1993 League of the Iroquois.
New York: Carol Publishing Group.
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Morton, Thomas
1964 New English Canaan.
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms Inc. (Authorized copy of original 1637 publication. Amsterdam: J. F. Stam).
Obermeyer, Rick ed.
1991 19th Century Seminole Men's Clothing
Sherwood F. Obermeyer Jr., 2124 Miscindy Place, Orlando, FL 32806
Radin, Paul
1990 The Winnebago Tribe.
Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press.
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Ritzenthaler, Robert E. and Pat Ritzenthaler
1970 The Woodland Indians of the Western Great Lakes.
Garden City, NY: Natural History Press.
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Rosier, James
1966 A True Relation of the Most Prosperous Voyage..1605, By Captain George Waymouth.
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms Inc. (First published 1605).
Rowlandson, Mary
1981 Puritans Among the Indians: Accounts of Captivity and Redemption 1676-1774.
A. Vaughan and E. Clark, ed.s. Cambridge, MA: Bellknap Press of Harvard University Press.
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Russell, Howard
1980 Indian New England Before the Mayflower.
Hanover: University Press of New England.
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Simmons, William S.
1970 Cautantowwit's House: An Indian Burial Ground on the Island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay.
Providence, RI: Brown University Press.
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Snow, Dean R.
1980 The Archaeology of New England.
New York: Academic Press.
Speck, Frank G.
1976 Penobscot Man: The Life History of a Forest Tribe in Maine.
New York: Octagon Books.
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Thomas, David H., Editor
1986 A Blackfoot Source Book; Papers by Clark Wissler.
New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc.
Schneider, Richard C.
1972 Crafts of the North American Indians; A Craftsman's Manual.
312 Linewood Ave., Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481: Richard C. Schneider, Publishers.
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Trigger,Bruce G. ed.
1978 Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast.
W. Sturtevant, gen. ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
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van der Donck, Adrien
1968 A Description of the New Netherlands.
T. O'Donnell, ed. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. (First published 1656).
Westhorp, Christopher and Richard Collins
1993 Pocket Guide to Native Americans.
New York: Cresent Books.
White, George M.
1969 Craft Manual of North American Indian Footwear.
Arlee, Montana 59821: George M. White, Publisher.
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Whiteford, Andrew Hunter
1990 North American Indian Arts; A Golden Guide.
New York: Golden Press \ Wisconsin: Western Publishing Co., Inc.
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Williams, Roger
1973 Key into the Language of America.
J.J. Teunissen and E.J. Hinz, ed.s. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. (First printed 1643).
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Winthrop, John
1908 Winthrop's Journal: "History of New England," 1630 to 1649. 2 vols.
James K. Hosmer, ed. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
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Wood, William
1865 Wood's New England's Prospect.
Boston: Publications of the Prince Society 1. (First published 1634).
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Wroth, Lawrence C., ed
1970 The Voyages of Giovanni da Verrazzano, 1524-1528.
New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Burnham, Dorothy K.
Cut My Cote
Kock, Ronald P.
Dress Clothing of the Plains Indians (Civilization of the American Indian Series)
Sizemore, Donald
How to Make Cherokee Clothing
Hartman, Sheryl and Monte Smith (Editor)
Indian Clothing of the Great Lakes: 1740-1840
Anawalt, Patricia Rieff and Jean N C. Sells (Illustrator)
Indian Clothing Before Cortes: Mesoamerican Costumes from the Codices (Civilization of the American Indian Series)
Capture, George P. and Anne Vitart George P. Horse Capture Richard W. West,Jr.
Robes of Splendor: Native American Painted Buffalo Hides
Burnham, Dorothy K.
Unlike the Lilies: Doukhobor Textile Traditions in Canada
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