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1967 'Narrative of a Journey into the Mohawk and Oneida Country' [1634-1635]. In Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664.
F.J. Jameson, ed. Pp. 135-162. New York: Barnes and Noble.
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Beauchamp, William M.
1902 Metallic Implements of the New York Indians.
New York State Museum Bulletin 55.
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Beauchamp, William M.
1903 Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians.
New York State Museum Bulletin 73.
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Beaudry, Mary C.
1980 Spoons from the Burr's Hill Collection. In Burr's Hill, A 17th Century Wampanoag Burial Ground in Warren, Rhode Island.
S.G.Gibson, ed. Pp. 72-78. Brown University, RI: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology.
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Blanchette, Jean-Francois
1980 Firearms. In Burr's Hill, A 17th Century Wampanoag Burial Ground in Warren, Rhode Island.
S.G. Gibson, ed. Pp. 67-71. Brown University, RI: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology.
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Bradford, William
1981 Of Plymouth Plantation 1620-1647.
Introduction by Fransis Murphy. New York: Modern Library; Random House.
Brain, Jeffrey P.
1979 Tunica Treasure.
Cambridge & Salem, MA: The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Universtiy and The Peabody Museum of Salem.
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Brasser, T. J.
1978 Early Indian-European Contacts. In Northeast. B.G. Trigger, ed. Pp. 78-88. Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15.
W. Sturtevant, gen. ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
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De Forest, John W.
1852 History of the Indians of Connecticut from the Earliest Known Period to 1850.
Hartford, CT: W. J. Hamersley.
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Frederickson, Jaye and Sandra Gibb
1980 Covenant Chain: Indian Ceremonial and Trade Silver
National Museum of Canada, National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0M8
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Gibson, Susan G.
1980 Catalogue of the Collection. In Burr's Hill, A 17th Century Wampanoag Burial Ground in Warren, Rhode Island.
S.G. Gibson, ed. Pp. 128-174. Brown University, RI: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology.
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Gookin, Daniel
1970 Historical Collections of the Indians in New England.
J.H. Fiske, ed. London: Towaid. (First published 1674).
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Groce, Nora
1980 Ornaments of Metal: Rings, Medallions, Combs, Beads and Pendants. In Burr's Hill, A 17th Century Wampanoag Burial Ground in Warren, Rhode Island.
S.G. Gibson, ed. Pp. 108-117. Brown University, RI: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology.
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Hayes, Charles F. III
1989 "An Introduction to the Shell and Shell Artifact Collection at the Rochester Museum and Science Center". In Proceedings of the 1986 Shell Bead Conference: Selected Papers.
C.F. Hayes III, ed. Pp. 37-44. Research Records No. 20. New York: Rochester Museum and Science Center.
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Heath, Dwight B., ed.
1986 Mourt's Relation: A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth.
Cambridge: Applewood books. (First published in 1622).
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Hume, Noel Ivor
1969 A Guide to Artifacts of Colonial America.
New York: Vintage Books; Random House.
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Jennings, Francis
1976 The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
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Josselyn, John
1972 New-Englands Rarities Discovered.
Meriden: Meriden Gravure Co. (First published 1672).
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Juet, Robert
1967 From "The Third Voyage of Master Henry Hudson" [1610]. In Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664.
F.J. Jameson, ed. Pp. 11-28. New York: Barnes and Noble.
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Lindholdt, Paul, ed.
1988 John Josselyn, A Critical Edition of Two Voyages to New England.
Hannover: University Press of New England. (First printed in 1674).
Orchard, William C.
1975 Beads and Beadwork of the American Indians.
New York: Museum of the American Indian / Heye Foundation.
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Quimby, George Irving
1966 Indian Culture and European Trade Goods.
Madison, Milwaukee and London: University of Wisconsin Press.
Rainey, Froelich G.
1936 "A compilation of Historical Data Contributing to the Ethnography of Connecticut and Southern New England Indians." Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut.
Vol. 3: 1-49.
Simmons, William S.
1970 Cautantowwit's House: An Indian Burial Ground on the Island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay.
Providence, RI: Brown University Press.
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Snow, Dean R.
1980 The Archaeology of New England.
New York: Academic Press.
Thomas, Peter Allen
1979 In the Maelstrom of Change. The Indian Trade and Cultural Process in the Middle Connecticut River Valley 1635-1665.
Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International.
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Turnbaugh, William A.
1984 A Mid-17th Century Narragansett Indian Burial Site in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.
University of Rhode Island, Kingstown: Rhode Island Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology.
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van Wassenaer, Nicolase
1967 From the "Historisch Verhael" [1624-1630]. In Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664.
F.J. Jameson, ed. Pp. 61-96. New York: Barnes and Noble.
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Vaughan, Alden T.
1979 New England Frontier; Puritans and Indians 1620-1675. Revised edition.
New York: W. W. Norton and Company.
Wilbur, C. Keith
1990 Indian Handcrafts; How to Craft Dozens of Practical Objects Using Traditional Indian Techniques.
Chester, CT: Globe Pequot Press.
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Williams, Roger
1973 Key into the Language of America.
J.J. Teunissen and E.J. Hinz, ed.s. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. (First printed 1643).
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Wood, William
1865 Wood's New England's Prospect.
Boston: Publications of the Prince Society 1. (First published 1634).
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Wray, Charles F., Martha L. Sempowski, Lorraine P. Saunders, Gian Carlo Cervone
1991 Tram and Cameron; Two early Contact Era Seneca Sites.
The Charles F. Wray Series in Seneca Archaeology, Vol.II, Research Records No.21. New York: Rochester Museum and Science Center.
Wray, Charles F., Martha L. Sempowski, Lorraine P. Saunders, Gian Carlo Cervone
1987 The Adams and Culbertson Sites.
The Charles F. Wray Series in Seneca Archaeology, Vol.I, No.15. New York: Rochester Museum and Science Center.
Wroth, Lawrence C., ed.
1970 The Voyages of Giovanni da Verrazzano, 1524-1528.
New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Anne B. Fisher
Bears, Pirates, and Silver Lace
Allison Bird
Heart of the Dragonfly: Historical Development of the Cross Necklaces of the Pueblo and Navajo Peoples
Margaret Nickelson Wright
Hopi Silver: A Brief History of Hopi Silversmithing (with over 300 Hallmark examples)
Millard J. Holbrook,Millard J. Holbrook,II
Indian Silver Jewelry of the Southwest, 1868-1930
W. Carter
North American Indian Trade Silver (Artifacts and Collectibles)
John Adair
The Navajo and Pueblo Silversmiths (Civilization of the American Indian Series)
Lois Essary Jacka,Jerry Jacka (Photographer)
Navajo Jewelry
Lynn Robison Bailey
A Tenderfoot in Tombstone, the Private Journal of George Whitwell Parksons: The Turbulent Years, 1880-82 (Great West & Indians Series, Vol 65)
Martha W. Hamilton
Silver in the Fur Trade: 1680-1820
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