Point Type: Bifurcate - Kanawha Associated Date: 10000 - 8000 B.P. Morphology: Stemmed Length Point: Ave: [ 59 +/- 5 mm] Range: [ 32 to 88 mm] Example: [ 55 mm] Width Point: Ave: [ 35 +/- 5 mm] Range: [ 22 to 52 mm] Example: [ 37 mm] Point Ratio (Width/Length): Ave: [.61 +/- .14 ] Length of Stem: (Maximum) Ave: [ 11 +/- 1 mm] Range: [ 10 to 13 mm] Example: [ 9 mm] Width of Stem: (Maximum) Ave: [ 24 +/- 5 mm] Range: [ 18 to 32 mm] Example: [ 29 mm] Stem Length/Point Ratio: (Length of Stem / Length Point) Ave: [.19 +/- .03 ] Stem Width/Point Ratio: (Width of Stem / Width Point) Ave: [.68 +/- .15 ] Stem Ratio: Ave: [.51 +/- .15 ] 1. Short (<= 0.7) (Stem Length 2. Proportionate (> 0.7 & < 1.3) / Stem Width) 3. Long (>= 1.3) Stem Form (Subjective): 1. Contracting 2. Parallel 3. Expanding 4. Asymmetric Base Form (Subjective): 1. Convex 2. Straight 3. Concave 4. Notch 5. Lobe 6. Point Blade Ratio: Ave: [1.4 +/- .4 ] 1. Lanceolate (>= 2.0 mm) ([Length Point 2. Isosceles (< 2.0 & > 1.2 mm) - Length Stem] / Width) 3. Equilateral (<= 1.2 mm) Blade Curvature: Ave: [3.5 +/- 2.9 mm] 1. Very Convex (>= 5 mm) (Cord height of curve 2. Convex (< 5 mm & >= 2 mm) from Shoulder to Tip) 3. Straight (< 2 mm & >= -2 mm) 4. Concave (< -2 mm) 5. Mixed (< -2 mm & > 2 mm) Shoulder Angle: Ave: [ 74 +/- 8 o] (Angle of Shoulder from Tip to Shoulder to Shoulder Juncture) Shoulder Juncture (Subjective): 1. Curve 2. Angle 3. Straight