Occasionally when you see a gap between the twigs, especially as you near the wider part of the body, you will need to insert new twigs by their narrow end between under the stitches and between existing twigs. Insert them far enough so that their ends are hidden and blended. Likewise, when you are stitching past the center of the body when the body starts to taper, you will need to trim selected twigs and cover over the ends by pressing together the twigs to either side of it. Continue stitching in concentric circles down the length of your decoy (dont make your body too long -- keep in mind where the 'egg' inside ends, and keep in mind what a goose looks like). If the ends of the twigs are exceptionally long as you near the tail, trim them a bit so you can gather them as close together as possible (trim them no closer than within two inches of the interior 'egg'), and don't trim them so much that you cant finish the last round of stitches! After your last stitch, pass the needle and thread through the tail, and that should hold the stitch rather than making a visible knot.