Life is but a vapor that soon fades away.
We are born into this world with nothing at all.
And our departure of this life will be as we came...
Leaving us to wonder, "What IS the point of my existance?"
It must be for other lonely souls we touch each day.
So many hurt just as we hurt AND feel as we feel.
Though oft times we're preoccupied and seem not to have time...
Touch them we must, with kind words and in deeds.
Many are they that wonder if they are worth anything at all.
We leave them feeling as a mere convenience OR inconvenience,
Just depending upon how our moods strike us each day...
This is no way to treat one another... It just should not be!
So reach out to someone and show them you care.
Leave each person you meet with the feelings of self worth.
Be kind to one another while opportunity still waits...
For life is a vapor that soon fades away.