My thoughts are forever restlessÖ. So endlessÖ.
Echoing questions come rushing through my mindÖ.
They are questions that refuse to be silenced!
So many in numbersÖ. Yet they linger unanswered.
Many are the dreams that continue unfulfilled.
Dreams that began so innocentlyÖ. But stillÖ.
Perhaps a little selfish in nature.
A path seemingly for the purpose of self-fulfillment,
Thinking to establish who this person isÖ. Such arrogance!
In the search, my eyes have finally openedÖ.
They have opened to the significance of my journey.
In my conceited mind, I thought I knew, but did notÖ.
It is of greater consequence than searching for one's self.
Much greaterÖÖ.For it is to seek out truth!!
The truth and nothing else will put my mind at rest.
But this truth seems to be beyond my reachÖ.
For to reach the truth, I must find the past,
And to find the pastÖÖ.. I must reach the truth.
As my mind frantically grasps for it, I can feel itÖ. Hear itÖ
I hear truth whisper softly in the still of the night.
It touches my face and down into my soulÖ.
Its answering pleas are written in the wind.
Yes, truth reaches out and soothes in a gentle caressÖ.
It speaks with the voices of loved ones long since past.
I can hear many voices thought silenced long ago.
Just as IÖ.these too refuse to be silencedÖ.
They are the voices and shadows of families lost.
LostÖ.Seeking to be found by kindred blood.
Listen to the voices as they echo in the night!
Feel them as they are carried by the fingers of the windÖ.
Hear the lonely sounds of their anguish and pain!
They reach out in the dark silence of the night.
Reaching out to meÖÖ..AND to youÖ.
Torn from their homes and loved onesÖ. They cry out!
"Here we areÖ. Do you not feel our presence? Hear us!"
YesÖ.I hear themÖ. and you can too.
Voices like whispers, will us to rest from our frenzied searching.
As we frantically sift through endless information, they wait.
WaitingÖ..Waiting to show us where the true journey liesÖ.
It is not merely a search for our OWN identities.
GrantedÖ.this is a truth that one must seek, but not just so.
We must reach into the past for those deserted and forgotten.
A journey that began as a search for me has changed directions.
But No! It has not changed its course altogether!
It has altered its path to become one with that of forgotten loved ones.
They have subtly merged their paths like a flowing mountain stream.
They seek to be reunited with those of us, their kindred blood.
YesÖ. This too is what I truly wish!
To finally find, not only me, but also all those I hold dear.
I have felt their sorrow AND their pain.
Where once they knew the freedom we so proudly boast,
This same liberty was quickly and ruthlessly stolen!
They cried out, but there was no one to hear and none who cared.
Their freedomÖTheir livesÖEven their dignity was torn apart!
Even soÖ. This merciless massacre of human worth may still be mended.
But not by apologies, nor by human platitudes can it be done.
This mending must be done by usÖTheir surviving descendants.
Although the damage can not be totally repaired, we CAN ease their pain.
They call to usÖAs voices whispering in the wind, to bring them home.
We must listen! We MUSTÖfor upon us they rest their hopes.
NOW is the time for us who love them to BRING THEM HOME!
Their echoing pleas can be heard if we will only listen!
Listen! Answer! Bring them homeÖand give them rest.
They gave up their lives for the ones they loved.
And for these same people, we search our family ties.
YesÖWe too love them just as they loved beforeÖ.
Our endeavors to bring the past to the present prove this is true.
Time for blind eyes to be opened no matter the tongue or nationalityÖ.
We must bring them home and give them rest.
We must listenÖ. Listen to the whispers in the wind.