Common Stone Types and Northeastern Lithic Technologies |
A Presentation of NativeTech:Native American Technology and Art
© 1994 - Tara Prindle | ||||
Introduction | Minerals | Metamorphic | Sedimentary | Volcanic |
| <-- Click on the tabs or the stones to identify samples in the categories of lithic materials in the Northeast. |
Stone tools have been part of human technology for literally millions of years, and the Northeast Woodland region offers a unique assemblage of raw lithic materials for stone tool technology. Different materials and tools manufactured, used and left behind at a location can tell us a great deal peoples’ activities there. Looking at the distribution of lithic materials and tool types through time, you can start to get a picture of people’s changing settlement patterns, how they used the natural resources across the landscape and glimpse into distant trade routes.
A wide range of approaches can be used to study lithic technology. The approaches study the various stages of how stone is acquired, used and disposed of and also how stone is distributed and exchanged. Minimizing costs and using logical efficiency in the acquisition of stone, the patterns of its procurement and consumption show how the economics of lithic technology are tied to other systems of subsistence and social organization.
Stones with an even fracture are ideal for flaked stone tools and percussion or pressure flaking results in smooth concave-convex faces. The fracture is associated with rock types which have mineral grains which are too small to be seen with the unaided eye. This category includes those rocks which are not layered or fissile (systematic planes of weak bonding). Stones with even fractures include the glassy, porcelain-like and non-platy textures exhibited by chalcedony, chert and flints.
A good understanding of lithic technology, requires not only knowing how tools are made and used, but also knowledge of the types and material characteristics of stone available to people either locally or through long distance trade. |